The Ultimate Home Remedy & Help Resource for tennis elbow

Friday, June 7, 2019

Are You At Risk for Severe Tennis Elbow?

There are certain groups of individuals who are considered "high risk" when it comes to developing tennis elbow.

The first group is anyone involved with athletics such as tennis players, golfers, cricket players, volleyball players, baseball players, football players, bowlers, lacrosse players or any other sport that involves using equipment that requires using a tight grip on an object.

The second group of people is anyone involved in manual labor or blue collar work. These individuals tend to use their arms a lot performing any repetitive task over an extended period of time. The constant gripping and squeezing causes extreme pressure and strain on the extensor tendon. It eventually tears and this is when you feel pain in your elbow.

So how do you properly and fully recover from tennis elbow? Most people take a little time away from their sport or activity but their symptoms usually come back just when they thought they had this injury under control.

It does not even take that long. Sometimes, after just a few months, the pain returns. This is the truth: if you do not seek the right kind of treatment, the condition can seem rather irreversible. If you seriously want to get some relief, you need to make a commitment to never give in to this terrible injury.

Of course, many people resort to taking anti-inflammatory pills and pain medication but the problem with this is that you have to take the pills every 3-4 hours and they do nothing to address the root cause of your injury.

What about elbow braces? To be honest, all these devices do is give you a "feeling" of support but instead of making your injured tendons and muscles stronger, they actually make them weaker!

There is no magic pill you can take to cure this injury. Unfortunately far too many people choose to ignore their symptoms until it gets so bad that a complete tear occurs and they have to undergo surgery.

It's important that you look for the following signs:

· Tightness and stiffness in your arm. You may discover that your arm is hard to straighten fully - especially early in the morning.

· As the tear gets larger in your tendon, you may notice some swelling and inflammation. It's important that you apply to ice if you notice inflammation and swelling. Do this at least twice a day for 10-15 minutes.

· And thirdly, if your elbow pain gets worse when you make a fist or even when you shake hands with someone, then you could be suffering from chronic tennis elbow.

So how can you completely recover from tennis elbow so it never comes back?

It involves just 5 simple steps that you can do at home, without the need for any exercise equipment or expensive medical gadgets.

Simply click here to see a video that will reveal these 5 easy steps to you, so you can get started in eliminating your tennis elbow right now!

Geoff Hunt is a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and Exercise Rehab Specialist from Vancouver, Canada. He suffered from tennis elbow for 7 years before he cured it on his own from home.

To learn more, watch this free presentation to Discover how to eliminate tennis elbow in as little as 72 hours from the comfort of home.
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Is there Help For Tennis Elbow?

If you suffer from tennis elbow then you are probably aware that getting the right tennis elbow help is essential. This repetitive strain injury can be extremely painful and rather than just reaching for some more ibuprofen there is a better solution.

When it comes to getting help for this terrible injury, more and more people are looking for natural healing remedies. These natural remedies allow suffers to treat their symptoms on a daily basis and from the comfort of their own home.

Natural healing remedies can include:

* Exercises
* Massage
* Reflexology
* Acupressure
* Ice Packs
* Elbow Supports

There are a number of specific exercises that you can practice on a daily basis and these exercises will help to strengthen the muscles in the forearm and help to ensure that your tennis elbow doesn't get any worse. Any elbow pain relief and help that you receive from your exercises should also include a period of rest.

Rest is essential for healing and when your symptoms flare up and you are in a great deal of pain it means that the tendon has become inflamed. Rest and ice can help to reduce the inflammation.

Tennis elbow help is available from a number of different areas but if you are looking for more natural methods then a massage therapist can be very helpful. A good massage therapist will be able to advise you on the correct massage technique to help reduce the pain caused by your nagging elbow.

Reflexology and acupressure are two additional natural therapies that you can try. These natural therapies provide excellent treatment and they can help to speed up the healing process and reduce pain.

Ice packs can be used to reduce inflammation in tennis elbow and they can be used on a daily basis. You can use an ice pack for 10 to 15 minutes at a time up to three times a day. You do need to make sure that you leave at least 2 hours between applications.

If you work extensively with your hands or you play a lot of sport a tennis elbow brace can be very helpful. These braces have been specially designed to support the arm and prevent any further damage.

The Largest Group of Elbow Pain Sufferers Are...

Manual laborers and sports enthusiasts. This could be plumbers, painters, gardeners or carpenters. They are people who use their hands daily to do the majority of their work.

As you can see, when it comes to getting the right help there are a number of different treatment options that you can choose from. As with any injury make sure you check with your doctor to get a professional to diagnose.

Geoff Hunt is a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and Exercise Rehab Specialist from Vancouver, Canada. He suffered from tennis elbow for 7 years but cured it on his own from home.

To learn more, watch this free presentation to Discover how to eliminate tennis elbow in as little as 72 hours from the comfort of home.
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Thursday, June 6, 2019

Five Methods For Treating Tennis Elbow

If you suffer from tennis elbow then finding the right treatment methods is critical and essential for a complete recovery. The following is a list of the top 5 treatment methods that have been proven to work together to cure and treat it.

Tennis elbow treatment should be dealt with in the context that you have a soft tissue injury and therefore the treatment methods listed below follow a specific process which is numbered one to five.

Method #1

The first and probably the most important method of treatment has to be rest. Rest is essential for any injury and it is essential if you plan on using any other methods to treat your tennis elbow symptoms.

Method #2

The second method which is very effective in the treatment of elbow pain is to use ice. Any doctor will tell you to keep ice on your muscle injury or tendon injury as this will help to reduce the swelling, ease the pain, and help to reduce inflammation. This in turn also helps to speed up healing.

Method #3

The third method is to use compression. You can get specific wraps that can be placed around your wrist and arm and this is another method that can be used to keep the swelling to a minimum and prevent any further damage to the muscles and tendons. Compression also helps to keep everything in place.

Method #4

The fourth treatment method is elevation. If you can try to keep your arm elevated above heart level it will help to prevent further swelling and help to reduce pain. Swelling is often caused when there is too much blood in the site of the injury and by elevating your arm you will be reducing the amount of blood in this area.

Method #5

If none of the above treatment methods are working and your symptoms are getting much worse, then you need to see your family doctor as you may have something more serious going on - like a broken bone. You will need to have a specialist look at your injury and correctly diagnose that you are suffering from tennis elbow.

Your specialist will also determine what course of treatment is right for you. Once you start to see an improvement in your symptoms you can then take matters into your own hands and start to practice some of the tennis elbow exercises that are available on a daily basis. You will need to start our simple but in time you will be able to increase the resistance that you use in these exercises.

You should never rush the resistance when doing tennis elbow exercises as this can make matters worse. You need to make sure that your muscles and tendons are ready.

That's the top 5 tennis elbow treatment methods that you can use. There is one more thing that I should mention, and that is if you are taking pain relief medication then you should make sure that you are taking something that includes an anti-inflammatory to help keep the swelling down. Something like ibuprofen is recommended.

If you are serious about dissolving your elbow pain and want to get rid of this stubborn injury for good, I recommend you check out the internet's number one resource for tennis elbow treatment, where you will learn five simple techniques to eliminate your tennis elbow pain in as little as 72 hours and completely cure it within 30 days!

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Tennis Elbow- Five Myths that Prevent Healing

Of all repetitive stress injuries, tennis elbow is one of the most reported cases of repetitive stress injuries and can be one of the most stubborn to overcome and recover from. There is usually a lot of confusion about it and how to best treat it. It is not uncommon for sufferers to simply ignore the pain or pass it off as just a part of getting old...until it becomes a chronic problem.

Here's a little fact for you...Did you know that it usually affects people who are in the age group of 35-65 years?

Below are 5 common myths about tennis elbow:

1) Tennis players are the only people who get tennis elbow. Actually, over 95% of all reported cases are from non-tennis players.

2) You have to completely stop doing your favorite hobby, career, an activity that caused your elbow pain in order for it to fully heal, repair and recover. Simply put - No! You can still carry on with your everyday normal activities if you do suffer with it but you should be taking proactive measures like implementing a proven tennis elbow treatment program in order to cure it.

3) A doctor is the only person who can help cure your elbow pain and discomfort. You should always seek professional medical advice to make sure you are suffering from tennis elbow. Once you have been diagnosed, you don't have to go back to the doctor again and again to seek his advice on treatment. Most likely he will refer you to a physiotherapist but, all you need is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step program to get relief.

4) Elbow braces are effective in treating and curing it. Wrong! It is my belief that braces that provide joint support actually end up making the muscles and tendons around that joint weaker. You want to make them stronger and not weaker!

5) Tendonitis pills, anti-inflammatories, and topical creams are effective in getting rid of tennis elbow. Nothing could be further from the truth! These band-aid solutions only provide temporary relief and actually mask your elbow pain! Once these dangerous pills wear off, in most cases, your elbow pain will be worse.

The most important thing to remember is that it's curable and when diagnosed on time, the time taken to recover is less.

If you are serious about curing your tennis elbow and want to learn a step-by-step, instructional approach (with Videos) from the comfort of your own home...

Discover how you can get tennis elbow relief in as little as 72 hours!

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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Symptoms and Diagnosing Tennis Elbow

The term Tennis elbow is medically known as lateral epicondylitis. It is an inflammation of the tendons that attach the forearm to the arm bone, the usual stress point is around the elbow, and hence the term tennis elbow. What exactly causes tennis elbow, is still completely not understood, some people believe that the reason is the frequent wear and tear of the elbow joints, others believe that the muscles that are responsible for the cocking the wrist back are to blame (this group of muscles is also called the extensor carpi radialis brevis). However, there is a very good understanding of the way tennis elbow can be controlled, and also what steps can be taken to reduce the pain experienced by people who are suffering from tennis elbow pain.

Symptoms of Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is usually associated with a pain on the outside of the elbow, this pain may be asymptomatic and is usually worsened when the patient attempts to lift weights, or attempts to grip objects or engage the wrist muscles. In chronic cases, the patient experiences pain and sometimes a burning sensation when he carries out even simplest tasks like lifting a mug of coffee.

Occasional there is also tenderness of the elbow associated with the pain, and the characteristic pain as mentioned earlier usually subsides after a period of rest. In addition to the typical pain around the elbow, there is also a rarer shooting pain that is experienced down the forearm, sometimes the pain is completely asymptomatic and it does not require a person to carry heavy weights or to exercise the arm to feel the pain.

In chronic cases, swelling and bruising of the elbow has also been reported, if so one should not delay a visit to a doctor, as swelling and bruising around the elbow region is usually the body's warning system, and the problem should be treated before there is any more damage done to the elbow. There are also rarer and more obvious symptoms like not being able to straighten the arm at all, however, more often than not, patients usually get medical help before the tennis elbow reaches such an advanced stage.

Diagnosing Tennis Elbow

The first step in the diagnosing of tennis elbow is usually to get an X-ray done, unfortunately, more often than not, the X-ray of patients suffering from tennis elbow is normal. It requires a specialist or an experienced doctor to diagnose the problem based on the symptoms that the patient is experiencing, Therefore correct reporting of symptoms is an important tool in diagnosing the exact type of tennis elbow that the patient is experiencing.

Once a clinical problem is ruled out, it is usually a better the idea to go to a specialist like an orthopedic surgeon to get the further diagnosis of the problem, as there are numerous subcategories of tennis elbow and based on these sub-categories the treatment, and further diagnostic techniques usually, vary. Another reason to go to a specialist is that there are other problems like tunnel carpel syndrome that cause similar symptoms; hence it is very important that the problem is diagnosed correctly.

For further info on tennis elbow and how you can beat it, check out the internet's top tennis elbow resource.

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